Blane Judd, BLTK Consulting
Blane Judd
executive director
BLTK Consulting

Blane Judd is Executive Director of BLTK Consulting which supports businesses in developing and managing strategy. He has over forty years’ experience in Power, Utility and Building Services Engineering and is a former NED and advisor to Parliament on estate wide engineering infrastructure resilience. Blane is on the board of NIMA (formerly the UK BIM Alliance) and is chair of GEL 50 a BSI group focused on LVDC systems. He is an advocate for the adoption of LVDC as a sustainable energy source in buildings and is currently working on a project in conjunction with the IET. He is the part time chief executive of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers and a Teaching Fellow at Aston University. For his international work on public health, he was awarded a Fellowship of City and Guilds. Blane is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the IET, CIBSE, HEA, InstL and CIPHE, where he was chief executive.